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Friday, October 14, 2016

Top Ten Moments at VGEC 2016 Spokane Conference

The Official Photo of the 28th Annual Conference of the Vergers Guild of the Episcopal Church

By the VGEC Communications Team

Here are some snap shots of a few of the activities we enjoyed at this year's VGEC Conference in Spokane, hosted by Dallas Hawkins and a host of vergers from the Spokane area.

Which photo do you like best?

Dallas sorts through registration name tags for eager conference attendees

The ladies of the "St Monica Guild" serving dinner at the 2016 conference. The food was amazing!

VGEC Board meeting on Thursday morning at the Davenport Hotel

Morning Prayer on Friday morning in the Nave of the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist

Duke DuTeil demonstrates some virges during Verger 101

The Rt. Rev. Katherine Jefforts Shori sent us out in groups on a field trip looking for borders.

The 28th Annual Business Meeting of the VGEC on Saturday morning

Brand new Fellows of the VGEC who were recognized at the Saturday night awards banquet

Our keynote speaker the Rt. Rev. Katherine Jefforts Shori was also the preacher at the Sunday morning Holy Eucharist

The Thurifer contemplates the use of the jabot while censing the vergers seated in the transept

This picture says it all

To see all the photos that were taken at the conference, be sure to check out our 2016 Flickr Albums and also go to Facebook and search for #vgec28 and you will find a large number of posts with photos from attendees.

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