Welcome to the Vergers Voice, the official news blog of the Vergers Guild of the Episcopal Church. Also known as the VGEC, we are located on the web at vergers.org and facebook.com/vergerguild the #1 online resources for vergers world-wide.

For information about submitting news and announcements to the blog, click HERE or contact ideas@vergersvoice.org.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Bumper Sticker Contest for vergers.org

Stickers are great give-aways at General and Diocesan Conventions. We need your help!

By David Deutsch, Volunteer Verger at Washington National Cathedral, dsd@his.com

Are you a person of few words? Would you like to put that rare personal trait to work for the Vergers Guild? Are you a person of perhaps too many words, as, ahem, is yours truly? Would you like an opportunity to practice thinking as tersely as possible all in the service of the Vergers Guild? Would you like to win free registration to either the 2019 or 2020 Annual Conference?

The VGEC is announcing a bumper sticker contest!!

got vergers? has been around for a while...
When I was assigned this topic I had some questions to answer. What bumper stickers does the VGEC have right now? That question lead me to the got vergers? department of the Vergers Guild Shop where I found the one got vergers? bumper sticker that we have. Then I wondered about how the got vergers? campaign came to be and I stumbled on a video in VergerTV from 2012 explaining how it was developed in 2011 for General Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana in 2012.

Examples of the author's verger-related bumper stickers
Now, in 2018, the guild is looking for new and creative ways to express an aspect or a motif of vergerdom. As an example, over the years I have developed and printed several bumper stickers with messaging relating to the verger ministry. I give them away to many colleagues and unsuspecting Episcopalians far and wide. Several people tell me they miss my big manilla envelopes with the blue gifts inside! I have included some examples of what I created, hoping that this might help stir your creativity.

Indeed, the VGEC is interested in your ideas and I know we are a creative bunch. We have to be in order to do our jobs as vergers! The main guideline for a bumper sticker is that it must be easy to read and digest in a relatively short amount of time. That is the challenge: not to be overly wordy.

The winning bumper sticker will be formatted by some of our fabulous VGEC techno-vergers, but the phrase "vergers.org" must be included in your sticker submissions. (You perhaps have already noted that I did not include that phrase on the bumper stickers I designed as mine were unofficial.)

Submitted bumper stickers may be part of an a new kit of materials for Diocesan Conventions and other events.

If you want to play around and do a mock-up like I did, go to Graphicsland at graphicsland.com where you can select a template and start right in. You can also just jump right in and create it on your computer without using a template. Either way, put on your creative verger persona and get to work. Have fun!

Who will judge the winning entry? Why WE ALL will! A poll will be presented to us with the top entries. Please mail your bumper stickers to ideas@vergers.org. Deadline for all entries is July 22, 2018, 10:00 pm PDT.

Here are the picky details:
  • Winner will be announced at the Awards Banquet in Denver at the 30th Annual Conference on September 22, 2018.
  • You do not have to be present to win.
  • Winner agrees to give up all artistic, intellectual, and property rights to the winning bumper sticker selected by vote of the membership of VGEC.
  • Contest is open to all members of VGEC as of July 22, 2018.
  • Winner will receive free registration to either the VGEC 2019 or 2020 Annual Conference (no lodging or meals, only registration).
So let’s do it. And always remember:

The 2018 VGEC Annual Conference is in Denver on Thursday, September 20 to Sunday, September 23, 2018! This conference marks the 30th year that we have gathered together to learn about and explore the ministry of the verger in God's church. The deadline to register is Monday, September 10, 2018. We cannot accept on-site registrations! Fees increase after August 15, 2018!

Abstract: Are you a person of few words? Would you like to put that rare personal trait to work for the Vergers Guild? Enter the Bumper Sticker Contest and show us your best pithy takes on the verger ministry. You can win a free registration to either the VGEC 2019 or 2020 Annual Conference!

Friday, April 13, 2018

September in the Mile High City

The 2018 VGEC Annual Conference is in September in Denver: Please Join Us!

By David Barr, 2018 VGEC Annual Conference Co-Chair, davidlbarr@msn.com

I am incredibly excited to introduce you to the 2018 Annual Conference of the Vergers Guild of the Episcopal Church being held in Denver on Thursday, September 20 to Sunday, September 23, 2018! This conference marks the 30th year that we have gathered together to learn about and explore the ministry of the verger in God's church. I hope you will make plans to join us!

Hosted by Saint John’s Cathedral, Denver and Saint Andrew’s Church, Denver and the Barry Bowman Chapter of the VGEC, the conference theme this year is "The Church in the 21st Century" and we will focus intently on how the ministry of the verger can help grow the church for the future. Twenty-five members of the Barry Bowman Chapter of the VGEC have joined together to host this exciting event.

The annual conferences are one of the most anticipated and popular activities of the VGEC. The conferences are held Thursday through Sunday in the autumn. Each conference has a series of sessions that cover several topics of interest to the verger and several events that foster fellowship, learning, and worship during the weekend.

The conference culminates with a festive Holy Eucharist with a procession of all vergers in attendance. For a quick view of what conferences in the past have been like, click HERE for VergerTV conference videos and HERE for Flickr conference photos.

Complete information about this year's conference is available HERE along with hotel information and online conference registrations. You may want to take a look at the detailed online agenda for the conference HERE.

Our Keynote speaker this year is Nadia Bolz-Weber, founding pastor of House for All Sinners and Saints and author of New York Times bestseller Accidental Saints: Finding God in All the Wrong People (Convergent, 2015). As the Church changes and evolves in this century, the ministry of the verger will evolve with it. Pastor Nadia clearly has a vision of how the Church can be both deeply rooted in its most ancient traditions while being very open to both the present and future of the world within which we are called to be the Church.

Other conference sessions and events include:

Verger 101: Exploring the Verger Ministry

Specifically designed to support the new verger as he or she embarks on this ministry. It is for those who have been vergers three years or less or first-time conference attendees. Led by Duke DuTeil, VGEC Training Advisor and Retired Head Verger, Washington National Cathedral.

Verging in the 21t Century: Where are we?

Designed for the seasoned verger: Join Ian Thompson, Sacristan and Verger of Saint John’s Cathedral, Denver, as we explore our unique heritage and ministry within the church. As vergers, we are not just ceremonial leaders but are leaders within our church’s ministries and communities.

Young people in Verger Ministry: Not all heroes wear capes and not
all Vergers wear chimeres

Join Jennifer Carr, Verger at Saint Aidan’s Episcopal Church, Boulder, to hear about young people and students in Boulder and other parishes who are helping to shape, re-imagine, and revitalize ministries within their parishes.

How does your Parish remain Open, Welcoming, and Inclusive
and still keep the people safe?

Join Steve Tilson, Verger, Saint John’s Church, Boulder and Bill Finch, Retired Lieutenant of the Denver Police Department, as we discuss being open and welcoming and having a common sense security plan.

Annual Business Meeting of the VGEC

This is the one time in the year that representative members of the VGEC join together to conduct the business of the Guild including committee reports and election of board members.

The Vergers Banquet

On Saturday night, we gather for a wonderful evening of dinner, presentations, and entertainment at the Warwick Denver. The primary focus of the dinner is to celebrate all of the vergers who have completed the VGEC Training Course to become Fellows of the VGEC since the last conference.

Please click HERE to learn about everything that we have to offer this year at this conference which helps us all take a careful look at where we are in our own verger ministries and how we will continue to grow and strive in the 21st century.

Please contact me at davidlbarr@msn.com if you have any questions. I can't wait to see you in Denver in September 2018!!

Did you know that you can submit your own story about the verger ministry for possible inclusion in the Vergers Voice blog?

We are always looking for interesting topics, ideas, and creative ways of demonstrating the power and enjoyment of being part of the fellowship of the VGEC and our ministry of service.

If you have any ideas, or if you would like to take your turn at writing a post and sharing ideas, send them to ideas@vergersvoice.org!

The 2018 VGEC Annual Conference is in Denver on Thursday, September 20 to Sunday, September 23, 2018! This conference marks the 30th year that we have gathered together to learn about and explore the ministry of the verger in God's church. The deadline to register is Monday, September 10, 2018We cannot accept on-site registrations! Fees increase after August 15, 2018!

Abstract: The Church in the 21st Century is the theme for the 30th annual VGEC Conference to be held in Denver on Thursday, September 20 to Sunday, September 23, 2018. Time to make reservations and travel plans!